Bayside Dentures
Talking about dentures can be a sticky subject. But with
Bayside Dentures, it doesn’t have to be. As with any new thing introduced to the body, it takes time to adjust to new dentures. Typically, it takes about thirty days, or a mere one-month to adjust. But not to worry - our practice, Stuart Shaffren, DDS, is one that is not only excited to help you adjust to new Bayside Dentures, but is committed to ensuring that you get the best possible care while you’re adjusting to help you achieve the best quality of life going forward. We love working with our patients and make it a priority to keep our customers smiling. So what does a typical thirty-day adjustment period look like with Bayside Dentures? On day one, you want to make sure you’re eating only soft foods like mashed potatoes, soups, and puddings.
The good news is that new dentures serve as the perfect excuse to indulge in ice cream to your heart’s content! Stuart Shaffren, DDS recommends that on the first day you want to eat only soft foods that are gentle on your gums and teeth – it will make the adjustment to
Bayside Dentures easier. From days two through fourteen, your mouth will be steadily adjusting. This means that you will likely experience increased salivation and sore spots in your mouth from the dentures. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water may help with the sore spots. If the soreness persists, you are always welcome to come back to Stuart Shaffren, DDS for an adjustment. Remember that the healing process is as unique as the person healing, so your experience adjusting to Bayside Dentures may vary from the experience of a friend who got them previously. Also bear in mind that you may need to expect a longer time for denture adjustment and healing if you are a full plate wearer or recently had your teeth extracted. Days fifteen to twenty-nine typically marks a turning point in adjusting to Bayside Dentures. This is when you’re learning to talk and eat all over again.
Usually, the extraneous salivation and sore spots have also lessened significantly
and you can finally start using adhesive to improve the fit and feel of your dentures.It will also give you more confidence while eating. After about thirty days of wearing
Bayside Dentures, you should be able to enjoy most of your favorite foods and activities with confidence. Remember to continue scheduling regular appointments
with us at Stuart Shaffren, DDS to routinely ensure that your dentures are in proper
working order and to avoid the discomfort caused by a lack of professional
maintenance to your dentures.
Stuart Shaffren, DDS
61-01 224th Street
Bayside New York 11364
By Stuart C. Shaffren, DDS
August 10, 2016