Bayside dentures
Losing teeth can be a big change in terms of your dental health as well as your appearance. You will need to replace these teeth as soon as possible, of course. Losing teeth will have an initial effect on your dental health, and may be undoubtedly caused by such health-related concerns. However, once you have lost teeth, your dental health may still decline without an even bite. Replacing teeth can be done in a variety of ways, and
Bayside dentures is one such option. Stuart Shaffren, DDS can help discuss your options with you, including dentures, and he can help you adjust to this change as well.
There are several ways in which artificial teeth can be fashioned to restore smiles and dental health. Dentures are a great option for people who need to replace many, if not all, of their teeth at once and do not want to consider surgery or may not be able to undergo the procedure. Living with dentures can be tricky, but it is essential to your new way of life if you get dentures to replace lost teeth. Dentures generally involve artificial teeth that are designed to look as natural as possible, set into a gum-looking base. This base can then be applied to your real gums using a safe adhesive paste. Adjusting to wearing dentures, taking care of them, cleaning them, and maintaining them are all things you will need to learn, and Stuart Shaffren, DDS is here to help. Dr. Shaffren will not only design your Bayside dentures specifically for you, but he can also coach you in terms of living with dentures as well.
It's important that you understand how your dentures work, what they can handle, and what you can do to keep them in optimal working order. If you have lost teeth, then Stuart Shaffren, DDS can provide you with the comprehensive care and advice you need, from creating
Bayside dentures to living with them.
By Stuart C. Shaffren, DDS
March 21, 2017
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